Our Mission
To make disciples of Jesus Christ such that we do our part to usher in the Kingdom of God on earth, as it is in heaven.
Our Vision
Church Hill UMC will become the central hub of deep, mutual disciple-making by prioritizing ministries that support the material and spiritual needs of people who are hungry and thirsty, people who are poor, and people who are addicted and depressed, who find themselves in Liberty Twp. and the north end of Youngstown.
Our Values
Church Hill UMC is a compassionate congregation striving to make disciples by practicing radical hospitality. This means that we will learn to live a disciplined, Christoform life by supporting the material and spiritual needs of people who are hungry and thirsty, people who are poor, and people who are addicted and depressed; organizing with others to directly confront the systems that keep people hungry, thirsty, poor, addicted, and depressed; and confronting our own race, class, gender, and sexual orientation biases, so that we can better love the least, the last, and the lost, which includes us.